The voting has finally closed- Houseguests can relax for a few moments- relaxed as one could get wondering if their summer will be filled with every moment of their live recorded in the Big Brother House, or if they will continue on with their current lives a little more separate from the public spectacle the others will be in. I have to wonder, how much promoting did each candidate actually have to do? How much influence is CBS going to have jersey sepeda custom ? And finally, what are the thoughts of how voting took Place?
Chicken George was by far the biggest spectacle of them all. Parading around in a Chicken Suit this man did all he could to capture attention. But for a guy who organized a rally against Big Brother while he was in the house, trying to get all the houseguests to walk out- could a chicken suit be washing away that dignity? Or is it just a gimmick? Have people voted for him? Or maybe he was perhaps trying to capture CBS's attention rather then America's.
Online communities have been bursting with interviews conducted with candidates, forums discussing voting, and live chats featuring housguests. The effort of campaigning could easily reside in the online communities as the ones in the forums are the ones that most likely would vote. Several candidates made personal vote banners, set up home pages, and made their presence known on the web.
VOTING- In this writers opinion- the voting system lacked some really important conditions that Internet savvy people exploited. CBS allowed you to vote as many times as you wanted- no limits per day nor did they put up codes you need to type in in order to vote. Thus, programmers-a-plenty built auto click programs inflating the votes to unbelievable numbers. Because of this, I don't think the results will be very representative of "America's Choice." But perhaps CBS was only trying to create the "buzz" factor for the show- and make candidates spend time and energy promoting it. How much of the voting results was CBS really going to listen to?
The bottom line is CBS wants drama- so CBS is going to get it... whether or not it be the public or the houseguests that create it- Big Brother 7 has Big Buzz...already...
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